Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's Friday

Morning mate. Couple of days has passed in this holy moon of ramadhan. Beleive it or not my weight has been reduced to 78 kilos from 83 kilos (that's good right). Now i'm playing this game called "Dragon Quest VIII". At last the original rpg is back. It's very good indeed. Well what i'm going to do today ??. Hmm perhaps this activity " 1. Checking my student paperworks for the cost accounting lab 2. Read and learn the pph 21 for the exam. Well that all for now. See you again soon. I'm playing the DQVIII now.

Time to think

I'm still confuse will all that hapening in my life. There's so many choices that i had to make. In semester 8 i still got nine sks left so i could pass in 4 year ( ya alllah amin !!! ). Yesterday in internet in someone blogs (maybe UGM Blgs) i rod this artikel about Tax Consultant Carreer 9which i already thinh about it for very very long time) and in that blog it explain about the opportunity that the tax consultant will do in the future. That article really hit me in that moment. i think this is it. Maybe that was a blessing from Allah so that i choose this career path. I hadn't make my choice yet, but it seems that this is the ono. THE BEST TAX CONSULTANT IN THE WORLD ???

Monday, February 06, 2006

Target IP Ku

Mata kuliah yang diambil semester ini adalah :
Bisnis Internasional A
Organization Behaviour A
Audit A

Bismillahirahmani rahim
Ya allah mudahkan lah aku dalam belajar dan mempelajari berbagai ilmu pengetahuan

Target Lulus , IPK = 3 , 3

Doain ya